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Primary Design Technology Scheme of Work

RoboWars (Upper Key Stage 2)

Design Brief: Design and make a Controllable Robot Buggy to take part in the Class Robo Wars
Strand of Learning: Structures, Mechanical Systems, Electrical and Program Systems

Overview: In this unit of work children design and make a robot buggy that is controllable using Crumble Kit and programmed for random movement using computer block coding. As part of this project children learn about how electric vehicles work and the story of Elon Musk. Children embark on a series of focused practical tasks to create a chassis on which to add other electrical components to make their controllable vehicle. They learn how to use block code to program their vehicle to successfully complete the ‘test track’ before their vehicle is allowed to take part in the class Robo Wars. Children evaluate their project by making a short documentary film or a display stand or by taking part in a ‘show and tell’ event.


Images from the Lesson Presentation Slides

  • 6 x Lesson Presentation Slides

  • PDF - Electrical Vehicle Components

  • PDF - Test Track Sheets


Medium Term Planning includes:

  • 6 x lesson overviews

  • Vocabulary List

  • Learning statements linked to Curriculum

  • Support and Challenge

  • Assessment - Keeping up with the curriculum


This unit of work incorporates components from  the Crumble Kits supplied by Redfern Electronics

Teaching Pack

Curriculum Scope and Sequence

Substantive & Technical Knowledge

Pupils should know:​

  • That creating a prototype of a design is useful for checking ideas and seeing how well they work.

  • That different types of drawing can be used to help with designing and communicating ideas about a product that is being planned.

  • How labels and annotated drawings can be used to explain and communicate how their product will be made and how it will work.

  • To choose materials, tools and equipment that are dependent upon the skills and techniques to be used.

  • A range of different finishing techniques and choose ones that are suitable to create a quality product.

  • To continually reflect on and evaluate their work throughout the stages of design, make and evaluate.

  • About a range of inspirational designs and designers throughout history and use this knowledge to support their own work as designers.



  • The different properties of some common materials and how these properties are used when designing and making structures.

  • How to make frame structures that can support mechanical systems within a product.

  • Ways of reinforcing structures, including using triangulation techniques


Mechanical Systems

  • That there are a range of different mechanical systems that are used to produce rotational movement and the ways in which the speed and direction of movement can be altered.

Electrical and Program Systems

  • How a motor can be incorporated into a product to create movement.

  • That program systems have an input and an output.

  • That microcontrollers are small computer processors that turn inputs into outputs and are controlled through computer code.

Practical Knowledge (skills)

Pupils should know how to:​

  • List the materials and tools that will be needed to make a product they have designed.

  • Communicate their ideas using cross-sectional drawings and cut-away drawings.

  • Work responsibly using guidelines to ensure they keep themselves and others safe.

  • How to accurately assemble, join and combine materials and components to ensure a quality finish to a product.

  • Apply a range of decorative and finishing techniques following the product design.

  • List ways of improving a product considering the views of others and intended users.

  • Evaluate a product against specific design specifications.


Materials & Structures

  • Cut materials with precision and refine the finish with appropriate tools.

  • Consider the different properties of materials, when choosing appropriate tools.

  • Apply a range of practical skills and techniques to create stable frame structures.


Mechanical Systems

  • Combine a structure with a mechanism to create a product with motion/movement.


Electrical and Program Systems

  • Write procedures and/or computer code to control and monitor models or products.

  • Make a product that includes an interface that allows the user to control and monitor the device including lights, sounds and motion.

  • Create a product with a mechanical system that can operate at varying speeds and with changes in direction.

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