Ensuring outstanding teaching in Art & Design and Design Technology
Primary Design Technology Scheme of Work
Street Food Fiesta (Upper Key Stage 2)
Design Brief: Design and make a healthy food product suitable for the Street Food Festival
Strand of Learning: Cooking and Nutrition
Overview: In this unit of work children learn about the different ways in which people eat food both at home and when they eat out. They learn that there are a number of different ways to eat out and that street food is one such option that is becoming more popular in the UK. Children have the opportunity to taste test food wraps and make a tuna food wrap by making tortilla and a healthy tuna-based filling. Having consolidated their understanding of the Eatwell Guide they design their own street food product based on a healthy food wrap. With this product they then set up a small food business to create and sell the food product at the school Street Food Festival.
Images from the Lesson Presentation Slides
6 x Lesson Presentation Slides
Additional presentation – Healthy Eating (KS2)
PDF Worksheets
PDF Investigating Street Food (part 1)
PDF Investigating Street Food (part 2)
PDF Investigating Street Food (part 3)
Street Food Van template
Street Food Van template simple
Recipe: Making Tortilla
Recipe: Making a Tuna Wrap
Recipe template
Medium Term Planning includes:
6 x lesson overviews
Vocabulary List
Learning statements linked to Curriculum
Support and Challenge
Assessment - Keeping up with the curriculum
Teaching Pack
Curriculum Scope and Sequence
Substantive & Technical Knowledge
Children will know:
Different types of drawing can be used to help with designing and communicating ideas about a product.
Surveys, interviews and questionnaires are used to find out the needs and wants of clients.
Step-by-step action plans should be created and followed when making complex products.
A range of different finishing techniques and choose ones that are suitable to create a quality product.
To continually reflect on and evaluate their work throughout the stages of designing and making.
As part of the evaluation process, the designer can consider the cost (time and money) of making the finished product.
That evaluating the whole project is an important part of design technology.
Cooking and Nutrition
The importance of correct storage and handling of ingredients using knowledge of micro-organisms to promote hygiene and prevent cross-contamination.
Processed food is food that has undergone multiple changes in a food factory.
People have different food diets for health, religious, cultural, and personal reasons.
Some people are intolerant and/or allergic to certain food substances and that precautions are needed to keep them safe.
Practical Knowledge (skills)
Children will know how to:
Carry out different surveys and questionnaires for research and to help with the design process.
Write step by step instructions and recipes to make a product they have designed.
List the materials and tools that will be needed to make a product they have designed.
Work responsibly using guidelines to ensure they keep themselves and others safe.
Write an action plan for the making process including lists of tools, equipment and materials needed.
Accurately assemble, join and combine materials and components to ensure a quality finish to a product.
Apply a range of decorative and finishing techniques following the product design.
Identify strengths and areas for development in their own ideas and products.
List ways of improving a product considering the views of others and intended users.
Cooking and Nutrition
Follow a recipe accurately.
Measure accurately and calculate ratios of ingredients to scale up or down from a recipe.
Demonstrate a range of baking and cooking techniques.
Create and refine recipes, including ingredients, methods, cooking times and temperatures.
Choose and adapt recipes for dietary reasons.
Food Preparation Skills
Cut higher resistance foods using the claw grip or the bridge grip
Use different weighing scales with increasing accuracy.
Use a measuring jug independently and accurately.
Cook using a range of different methods