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Primary Design Technology Scheme of Work

Eatwell Pizza (Upper Key Stage 2)

Design Brief: Design and make a pizza to promote the healthy eating messages from the Eatwell Guide for Healthy Eating
Strand of Learning: Cooking and Nutrition

Overview: In this unit of work, children apply their knowledge and understanding about healthy eating to design and make a pizza based on the key messages from the Eatwell Guide for healthy eating. Children begin by discussing the different ways that we can eat food at home and outside the home. They conduct market research into their favourite pizzas and brainstorm what makes a good pizza. It is important that in lesson 2 they create a Margherita pizza by making bread dough and then adding tomato sauce and grated cheese, this is the basic recipe for all pizzas to which toppings are then added. In learning how to make a margherita pizza they acquire the essential skills and knowledge needed to make a pizza and this is essential when they come to designing and making their own pizza. They consolidate their understanding of the different food groups on the Eatwell Guide to healthy eating and use this knowledge to design a pizza that promotes the Eatwell Guide. They learn about pizza packaging and the invention of the pizza delivery bag  by Ingrid Kosar. Having designed and made their Eatwell Pizza they become entrepreneurs and set up their own small business learning business basics, marketing and budgeting.


Images from the Lesson Presentation Slides

  • 6 x Lesson Presentation Slides

  • Additional Presentation - All About Bread

  • Additional Presentation: Healthy Eating (Key Stage 2)

  • Pizza Box Template

  • Recipe Template

  • Taste Test Proforma


Medium Term Planning includes:

  • 6 x lesson overviews

  • Vocabulary List

  • Learning statements linked to Curriculum

  • Support and Challenge

  • Assessment - Keeping up with the curriculum

Teaching Pack

Curriculum Scope and Sequence

Substantive & Technical Knowledge

Children should know:

  • How labels and annotated drawings can be used to explain and communicate how a product is made and how it will work.

  • Surveys, interviews and questionnaires are used to find out the needs and wants of clients.

  • Choosing materials, tools and equipment is dependent upon the skills and techniques to be used.

  • Step-by-step action plans should be created and followed when making complex products.

  • A range of different finishing techniques and choose ones that are suitable to create a quality product.

  • As part of the evaluation process, the designer can consider the cost (time and money) of making the finished product.

  • About a range of inspirational designs and designers throughout history and use this knowledge to support their own work as designers.


Cooking and Nutrition

  • The importance of correct storage and handling of ingredients using knowledge of micro-organisms to promote hygiene and prevent cross-contamination.

  • Processed food is food that has undergone multiple changes in a food factory.

  • People have different food diets for health, religious, cultural, and personal reasons.

  • Some people are intolerant and/or allergic to certain food substances and that precautions are needed to keep them safe.

Practical Knowledge (skills)

Children should know how to:

  • Carry out different surveys and questionnaires for research and to help with the design process.

  • Write step by step instructions and recipes to make a product they have designed.

  • List the materials and tools that will be needed to make a product they have designed.

  • Work responsibly using guidelines to ensure they keep themselves and others safe.

  • Write an action plan for the making process including lists of tools, equipment and materials needed.

  • Accurately assemble, join and combine materials and components to ensure a quality finish to a product.

  • Apply a range of decorative and finishing techniques following the product design.

  • Evaluate a product against specific design specifications.


Cooking and Nutrition

  • Follow a recipe accurately.

  • Measure accurately and calculate ratios of ingredients to scale up or down from a recipe.

  • Demonstrate a range of baking and cooking techniques.

  • Create and refine recipes, including ingredients, methods, cooking times and temperatures.

  • Choose and adapt recipes for dietary reasons.


Food Preparation Skills

  • Cut higher resistance foods using the claw grip or the bridge grip

  • Use different weighing scales with increasing accuracy.

  • Use a measuring jug independently and accurately.

  • Cook using a range of different methods

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