Ensuring outstanding teaching in Art & Design
Curriculum Scope & Sequence
Theoretical Knowledge
Children will know how to mix a range of colours
Children will know that printmaking is transferring an image from one surface to another.
Children will know about the lives, style and works of art of significant artists, architects, and designers, including: Andy Warhol and Keith Haring
Children will know and be able to identify some of the key painting genres, including Pop Art
Technical Knowledge
Children will develop an understanding of the seven elements of art and be able to apply them to the creative process.
Children will be able to:
Draw lines and shapes of different thicknesses and sizes.
Develop pencil control, learning how to draw and colour in carefully. Draw from both imagination, observation, and a range of sources.
Apply an increasing range of brush strokes and techniques to create different paint effects.
Use objects, stamps, and stencils to create images.
Use a range of techniques to create simple printing blocks.
Make repeating patterns using a range of printing techniques.
Create collage and mixed media compositions using a range of materials to convey an idea or for a given purpose.
Conceptual Knowledge
Children will understand the creative process through:
Using their imagination to create art.
Expressing feelings and emotions about their own art and the art of others.
Developing ideas linked to a topic they are interested in.
Comparing their art with iconic works of art by significant artists.