Ensuring outstanding teaching in Art & Design and Design Technology
Art Academy Scheme of Work
Art Academy is an Art and Design curriculum for a school committed to providing an ‘Arts Rich’ curriculum. Art and Design enables children to express themselves in a creative, imaginative manner and through exploration. Our Art and Design Curriculum is designed to provide children with a foundation of skills, knowledge and understanding in the six key strands of learning in Art and Design:
Collage / Mixed Media
In covering these six areas, this scheme of work provides a foundation course for children in primary schools to achieve further success as they transition to secondary school. This scheme of work is designed as a means to deliver outstanding teaching and learning in Art and Design at Key Stage 1 & 2. It is based on three elements:
Technique Art History Creativity
Each unit of work is planned over six lessons: Generally there are Five ‘foundation lessons’ focusing on technique and art history, followed by an extended creative outcome lesson which brings together the knowledge, skills and concepts that have been taught previously.
Primary DT Scheme of Work
Primary Design Technology is a scheme of work based on six strands of learning in design technology.
Cooking and Nutrition
Sheet Materials and Textiles
Mechanical Systems
Electrical Systems
Program Systems
As children progress through the scheme they know and understand the technical knowledge and practical skills of each strand of learning whilst developing their knowledge of designing, making and evaluating.