Ensuring outstanding teaching in Art & Design and Design Technology
Primary Design Technology Scheme of Work
Temple Marble Run (Upper Key Stage 2)
Design Brief: Design and make a prototype Marble Run toy based on a temple theme for the MAGIC toy company.
Strand of Learning: Materials and Structures
Overview: In this project children design and make a prototype Marble Run game. This is an opportunity for children to consolidate and demonstrate their understanding of structures and in particular different techniques used to make structures stronger, stiffer, and more stable. Children deepen their understanding of designing a product around a central theme and the use of a mood board to develop their ideas. When making the Marble Run toy they will need to try out and test out their ideas to ensure that the Marble Run functions as it should. They participate in a Dragon’s Den activity to showcase their prototype toy as part of the evaluation process.
Images from the Lesson Presentation Slides
6 x Lesson Presentation Slides
Additional Presentation: Additional Marble Run Ideas
Additional Presentation: Structures
Additional Presentation: Cardboard Engineering
PDF Worksheets
Column template PDF
Tall Column template PDF
Long track template PDF
Short track template PDF
Medium Term Planning includes:
6 x lesson overviews
Vocabulary List
Learning statements linked to Curriculum
Support and Challenge
Assessment - Keeping up with the curriculum
Teaching Pack
Curriculum Scope and Sequence
Substantive & Technical Knowledge
Children will know:
Creating a prototype of a design is useful for checking ideas and seeing how well they work.
Different types of drawing can be used to help with designing and communicating ideas about a product.
How labels and annotated drawings can be used to explain and communicate how a product is made and how it will work.
Surveys, interviews and questionnaires are used to find out the needs and wants of clients.
Choosing materials, tools and equipment is dependent upon the skills and techniques to be used.
Step-by-step action plans should be created and followed when making complex products.
A range of different finishing techniques and choose ones that are suitable to create a quality product.
To continually reflect on and evaluate their work throughout the stages of designing and making.
That evaluating the whole project is an important part of design technology.
The different properties of materials and how they are considered when designing and making a product.
Different properties of some common materials and how these properties are used when designing and making structures.
Ways of reinforcing structures, including using triangulation techniques.
Practical Knowledge (skills)
Children will know how to:
Write step by step instructions and recipes to make a product they have designed.
List the materials and tools that will be needed to make a product they have designed.
Carry out different surveys and questionnaires for research and to help with the design process.
Drawing Skills: Communicate their ideas using cross-sectional drawings and cut-away drawings.
Drawing Skills: Use computer-aided design software to develop and communicate their ideas.
Work responsibly using guidelines to ensure they keep themselves and others safe.
Write an action plan for the making process including lists of tools, equipment and materials needed.
Accurately assemble, join and combine materials and components to ensure a quality finish to a product.
Apply a range of decorative and finishing techniques following the product design.
Identify strengths and areas for development in their own ideas and products.
Evaluate a product against specific design specifications.
Measure and cut materials with precision and refine the finish with appropriate tools.