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Primary Design Technology Scheme of Work

Crumble Nightlight (Upper Key Stage 2)

Design Brief: Design and make a night light that shines with many different colours when it gets dark.
Strand of Learning: Materials    Structures    Mechanisms
Overview: In this unit of work children using Crumble Kit components to design and make a night light that is controlled by a microcontroller and is activated when it gets dark.

Children learn about all the different ways in which lights are used in the home and they understand that a product such as a lamp can be broken down into its component parts. As part of their learning, they re-activate their knowledge of using simple circuits to make a bulb light up. They learn about the purpose of nightlights and about their inventor – Abe Donsky. As part of this learning sequence, children can also learn about Thomas Edison.

Children are then taught about the different components of Crumble Kit and how they are controlled using block coding language. Children then apply their learnt knowledge and understanding to create nightlight that lights up when it gets dark using a light sensor to monitor the environment. The nightlight shade is made of recycled plastic and this needs to be considered when designing the nightlight.


Images from the Lesson Presentation Slides

  • 6 x Lesson Presentation Slides

  • Additional Presentation: Thomas Edison


Medium Term Planning includes:

  • 6 x lesson overviews

  • Vocabulary List

  • Learning statements linked to Curriculum

  • Support and Challenge

  • Assessment - Keeping up with the curriculum

Teaching Pack

Curriculum Scope and Sequence

Substantive & Technical Knowledge

Children will know:

  • Creating a prototype of a design is useful for checking ideas and seeing how well they work.

  • Different types of drawing can be used to help with designing and communicating ideas about a product.

  • How labels and annotated drawings can be used to explain and communicate how a product is made and how it will work.

  • Choosing materials, tools and equipment is dependent upon the skills and techniques to be used.

  • Step-by-step action plans should be created and followed when making complex products.

  • About a range of inspirational designs and designers throughout history and use this knowledge to support their own work as designers.



  • The different properties of materials and how they are considered when designing and making a product.


  • Different properties of some common materials and how these properties are used when designing and making structures.


Electrical & Program Systems

  • Components of an electric product such as a switch, battery, motors, and buzzer,

  • The importance of a complete circuit when using a series circuit.

  • Electrical circuits are used in products to make them work.

  • A sensor is a tool that monitors, detects, and responds to changes.

  • Program systems have an input and an output.

  • Microcontrollers are small computer processors that turn inputs into outputs and are controlled through computer code.

Practical Knowledge (skills)

Children will know how to:

  • Write step by step instructions and recipes to make a product they have designed.

  • List the materials and tools that will be needed to make a product they have designed.

  • Communicate their ideas using cross-sectional drawings and cut-away drawings.

  • Work responsibly using guidelines to ensure they keep themselves and others safe.

  • Write an action plan for the making process including lists of tools, equipment and materials needed.

  • Accurately assemble, join and combine materials and components to ensure a quality finish to a product.

  • Apply a range of decorative and finishing techniques following the product design.

  • Evaluate a product against specific design specifications.

  • Evaluate whether products can be recycled, reused, or repurposed and how sustainable the materials used are.



  • Measure and cut materials with precision and refine the finish with appropriate tools.


Electrical & Program Systems

  • Test a circuit to make sure it functions correctly before including it in a product.

  • Write procedures and/or computer code to control and monitor models or products.

  • Make a product device that includes a sensor to monitor change.

  • Make a product that allows the user to control and monitor the device including lights, sounds and motion.

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